Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Secret Window Mirrors on Etsy

That is, you don't need fancy tools if you possess the right skills and intent, and buying stuff won't make you successful if you don't.  This is the legacy of the postmodern Chaos Magick movement--which succeeded in shaking off some of the Victorian-era filigree from the Western esoteric tradition, but perhaps took things a step too far.  Yeah, you can make sigils on Post-its if you don't have an virgin parchment laying around.  And you can scry with day-old coffee in a Solo cup if that's all you have.  But it's equally true that magic begins in the imagination, and the imagination loves color, texture, and glamour.  Anyone who's the least bit romantically or artistically inclined will appreciate the boost they get from a beautiful, evocative piece of equipment.

That's why I'd like to endorse Secret Window Mirrors on Etsy.  Creator Michelle Christine offers goth-tastic black scrying mirrors in vintage frames, as well as decorative mirrors--all crafted from salvaged goods.  Her one-of-a-kind dark mirrors look like they belong on a fairy tale wizard's study, or a spinster witch's secret cabinet.  (Prices are very reasonable, too.)  If you're crafty, her work might inspire you to haunt some estate sales for your own scrying mirror, and put a little filigree back into your life.

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